Sunday, March 12, 2017

there is no chaos

history doth show a predictably consistent orderliness to human savagery. are you not entertained?

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Dazed and Confused

Where have i been? i don't know. looking at the world, i guess. and it makes no sense. i'm going back to bed.

Friday, June 17, 2016


i don't get paid to think the big thoughts. but somebody's got to do it.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Oh, They're United Alright

i've seen headlines that implore Donald Trump to try to unite the republican party. what the hell are they talking about? the republican party IS united. the GOP is perfectly and completely united with the democrats, and has been for at least 25 years.

there has not been a single piece of legislation or policy proposed by the democrats that the republicans stood in the way of. they passed it all. obama, clinton, any demo congressman or senator, whatever they wanted the republicans gave it to them, even when they were in the majority and could have blocked it.

the only time the republicans haven't stood squarely behind the democrats is when they actually jumped out in front to lead the charge for ever increasingly insane liberal policy.

Trump has proved beyond any doubt that he can win just fine thank you without any help from the republican party. he's gone farther than that: he's won even when they have viciously attacked their own front runner. but wait, farther still, even when the republican party has joined forces with the democrats and lies, cheats, and slanders him, Trump still kicks the shit out of the retards they put up against him.

so, unite the party? i don't fucking think so. i certainly don't want the GOP united. au contraire: i want them destroyed beyond all recognition. i want their name to be stricken from all official records, i want pages ripped out of books, and i want the penny taken out of circulation and dumped in the ocean. fuck illinois and their demon spawn. erase them from the face of the earth.

then there's the paul ryan issue. is this toad the most delusional megalomaniac in the history of delusional megalomaniacs? i say yes. this little putz actually thinks he's SOMEBODY, and that if he doesn't endorse trump it's a big deal. go to any mall in the country and ask a hundred people who the speaker of the house is. if two of them know the correct answer i'd be very surprised. when trump gets to the convention, the first thing he should do is fire paul ryan from the chairman position. then have him escorted out of the hall.

the republican party has betrayed its base so egregiously it deserves to cease to exist. they haven't been an opposition party for a quarter century. they haven't been a conservative party since eisenhower. disperse them. trump owns what used to be their base, lock, stock and barrel. he should even change the name AT THE CONVENTION. make former republicans come to him. make them beg for an audience. this is no time to be mr. nice guy. don't unite the republican party; nuke it!

Friday, May 6, 2016

I've Been Saying For Years....

i've been saying for many years that i don't know how anyone who has raised 2 or more children could have any delusions about world peace. the story of cain and abel did not fall out of the sky. even though siblings are made of the exact same genetic material, and thus could not be closer or more homogeneous, any parent knows they can be vicious toward each other.

when i stumbled onto this video of identical twins, barely old enough to sit up, and yet fighting over a  pacifier, my instincts were confirmed even more concretely about the perpetual strife that is the hallmark of humanity. identical twins, even more so than mere siblings, are the closest nature comes to a single spirit in two beings. but as the video shows, it doesn't make a fucking bit of difference. the overriding imperative is, i want. and if that means i have to poke your eye out to get what i want, well, such is the world. oh stop whining.

yeah, world peace. any day now.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Speaking of The Acropolis

Jesus. even cruz dropping out has only slightly moved the odds: 63 to 37 hillary. WTF. if trump falls back to 33 i have to go in big. that would give me 3 to 1 odds. the other interesting bet is christie vp at 12. that's up from 6 so maybe something is happening there.

with trump now unquestionably the nominee, something very large has happened. the establishment has been driven back, the media have been driven back. despite the most despicable, mendacious, vile, and underhanded tactics ever seen in our lifetimes, their heads have been handed to them. pikes wanted. line the road to athens with their shit smeared skulls.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

If She Said It, It Must Be True

a reporter claimed that Trump's campaign manager roughed her up at a rally. she filed a police report and the news outlets reported that the manager had been "charged" with battery. that was a lie. the first of many. he was not charged; he was given a notice to appear. two very different things.

for over a week the allegation was treated as a fait accompli by all news organizations. but unbeknownst to the reporter who made the allegation and the media who slavishly reported it as fact, there was surveillance video that recorded the encounter. in her allegation, the reporter said that the manager grabbed her arm very roughly and pulled her so hard she almost fell to the ground. in her police report she said she never touched trump and thus there was no reason for the rough treatment by the manager, cory lewandowski.

the video begs to differ. it clearly shows that cory neither grabbed her or pulled her, roughly or otherwise. he simply put his arm between her and trump as he was catching up to trump and then placed himself between them without even looking at her.

the video also shows quite clearly that she lied in her police report. she definitely grabbed trump's arm, and then you see him pull his arm from her grasp. no reasonable person could dispute either move.

after prosecutors saw the video they said they would not charge lewandowski. but of course they wouldn't. it was ridiculous from the start. but here's the thing; lying in a police report is a crime, a criminal offense. and the video showed proof that the reporter lied when she said she never touched trump.

so here is an actual crime, with actual evidence. shouldn't the reporter be charged? and here the word "charge" is used correctly. of course she should. but she isn't being charged even though a conviction could be almost guaranteed. the zealous prosecutors who were so eager to investigate and pursue her dubious claim against trump's manager, are now suddenly very, very cautious. and the equally zealous and eager news outlets have completely dropped the story. why? because it doesn't fit their Goddamned narrative of woman reporter good, trump and anyone associated with him bad.

does anybody remember phil donahue? he was a talk show host and he started this particular narrative. his version was women good, men bad. every day he hammered that theme on his show, and now it is part of the culture. i wish somebody would prosecute that asshole.